As you likely know, ADHD can be a frustrating disorder to deal with on several levels. Support is critical for both children with ADHD and newly-diagnosed adults alike. According to the National Center for Vision and Eye Health, almost 7% of children under the age of 18 have some sort of vision problem. The link between vision problems and ADHD has been made by doctors that study ADHD, meaning vision therapy may be able to help with ADHD symptoms. Here are three ways vision therapy can provide ADHD support for struggling patients.
When your eyes aren't working properly, it can be very difficult to absorb information. In general, we can all agree that it's also hard to pay attention to information that you can't see. Vision problems can lead to attention, concentration, and cognitive function problems that impact all aspects of daily life. Our services utilize prisms and filters to help train your child's vision. Better vision means better sensory input.
For a person with ADHD to pay attention and stay focused, they have to be able to comprehend the cues that are being presented. Vision therapy can help to improve visual function and thereby help to improve the recognition of cues. Being able to recognize cues is the first step in comprehending what someone is asking of you or teaching you. Vision therapy can help someone with ADHD better comprehend the world around them.
Learning is a complex process, and part of that process utilizes visual input. We use a combination of senses to store information, and when that information is distorted, it can wreak havoc on our short-term memory. When the eyes are not functioning as they should, it can be difficult to form visual memories. Vision therapy can help to strengthen visual memory recall.
Vision therapy services may not be a cure for ADHD, but they can provide ADHD support to lessen symptoms and improve the condition. Are you interested in learning more about our vision services? Give us a call today at Vision & Learning Center to get started! Our expert team would be more than happy to talk more about how vision therapy is being used for ADHD patients.
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